Tips You Need To Know Before Loaning Money to Family
You may have considered lending money to a family member who fell into a hard time at some stage in his/her life. This will be an excellent way to ease the blow and support a loved one in distress if you are financially willing to take the necessary precautions. But keep in mind that, much as in an aircraft, you must first put on your own “cover” before attempting to assist others. A loan for families has its advantages and its disadvantages. Firstly, if you need loan funds, a family member would probably not review your credit rates or dock your ratings if you’re not fully scheduled for repayment. On the other hand, if a family loan defaults or, worse, a failure to pay the cash back on time, the relationship with the lending family member may be negatively affected and their savings seriously damaged. All parties should document and counteract the terms of the loan. You can also have the paperwork signed by a third-party witness, such as a CPA or a financial planner....